Download Meniscal Root Repair Rehabilitation Protocol

 Meniscal Root Repair Protocol

 CPM Machine

  • Start 0-30, progress 5 degrees per day as tolerated to 120 (4 hours per day, discontinue at 4 weeks post-op)


0-6 Weeks Post Op


Goals: crutch/brace education, pain and swelling control, range of motion, glute/quad/hamstring activation, progressive ROM to 120 by 6 weeks


  • NWB x 6 weeks post-op
  • Brace: _____ 0-90 degrees x ___ weeks OR ____ Full ROM as tolerated
  • Pain/edema control, patella mobilizations if necessary
  • No biking
  • Quad/Hamstring Sets
  • SLR in brace at 0° until quad can maintain knee locked
  • BFR-Initiate after post op day 14

6-8 Weeks Post Op


  • Discontinue t-scope brace after physician clearance at 6-week post-op visit
  • Transition into unloader brace full time from weeks 6-12
  • Begin weight bearing transition: 1 week on 2 crutches, then 1 week on 1 crutch
    • Gait training
  • Regain any continued ROM deficits
  • Stationary Bike with seat high
  • Continue with exercises as above
  • Leg extensions/curls: use high volume and light/no weight

8-12 Weeks Post Op


  • No pivoting, twisting, hopping, jumping, running
  • Non-impact cardio: swimming, cycling, elliptical (think rehab, not fitness)
  • Progress open and closed chain strengthening without impact
    • Keeping above 90 degrees in all squatting movements until 3 months
  • Single leg balance progressions

12- 16 Weeks Post Op


  • Increase progressive resistance exercises for strength
    • Progress into single leg and power focused exercises as tolerated
  • If strength is appropriate, may begin the following at 14 weeks:
    • Plyometrics (if applicable) – double leg, then progress to single leg
    • Return to running progression
      • Use Alter G if available. Start at 50% BW, increase by 10% weekly as tolerated.
    • Unloader brace can d/c for daily use. Only needed for higher level activities.

16-24 Weeks Post Op


  • Sport specific drills
  • Plyometrics for speed and power
  • Clearance from physician prior to return to sport between 4 to 6 months