Patella ORIF Rehabilitation Protocol
Initial Restrictions:
- ROM: 0-90 x 4 weeks, 0-120 weeks 4-6, then progress as tolerated after 6 week clinic visit and cleared by physician
- Brace: Locked in extension x 6 weeks
- Weight Bearing Status: WBAT with crutches x 6 weeks
Phase One: 0-6 weeks
- Strictly follow above listed restrictions for ROM, Brace, and WB Status
- Flexion/extension ROM: seated/wall slides
- Patella mobilizations
- Hamstring sets
- Sit and reach hamstring stretch
- Ankle pumps
- Week 3: Begin gentle quad series
- Cardio: biking/rowing with well leg only
Phase Two: 6-12 weeks
- Begin weight bearing progression- two-week transition
- Full ROM as tolerated; brace no longer necessary (can be used unlocked in public places during transition phase)
- Toe/heel raises
- Balance series
- Weight bearing strength
- Double knee bends
- Double hip bridges
- Reverse lunge-static hold
- Beginning cord exercises
- Week 9: May begin treadmill walking, swimming with fins, elliptical, and rowing
- Week 10: May begin balance squats, single leg deadlift, and leg press
Phase Three: 12-16 weeks
- Continue to progress strength training
- Stair stepper
Phase Four: 16-24 weeks
- Running progression
- Initial single plane agility exercises
- Sports test exercises
- May begin golf and outdoor hiking, biking, and snowshoeing
- Week 20: May begin advanced multi-directional agility, functional return to sports test, and return to cutting/pivoting/snow sports pending RTS testing and physician approval