Download Patella Tendon Repair Rehab Protocol

Patella Tendon Repair / Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol

Range of motion restrictions

ROM restrictions made at time of surgery per Dr Vidal, Most typically

0-60 x 4 weeks

0-90 weeks 4-6

0-120 weeks 6-8


1-2       Weeks Post Op


  • Non weight bearing in brace x 2 weeks
  • Brace locked in extension full time with exception of ROM exercises
  • Reduce pain/swelling (ice 3x’s daily for 15-20 minutes directly on knee)
  • Ankle pumps, isometric quadriceps set, hamstring sets, glut sets, and patellar mobilizations

3-6    Weeks post Op


  • WBAT locked in extension weeks
  • Brace locked in extension full time with exception of ROM exercises
  • Heel slides, knee extension ROM with foot resting on a towel, 4-way leg lifts with brace locked in

extension, gentle patella mobilizations, weight shifts on surgical side with brace on


  • Weeks Post Op


  • Wean from crutches and begin weight bearing with knee brace open (week 6-8)
  • Wean out of brace at 8 weeks
  • AROM for open chain knee flexion and extension, closed chain quadriceps control from 0°-40° with

light squat and leg press, progressing to shallow lunge steps, prone knee flexion, stationary bike,

patellar mobilizations, open chain hip strengthening, core strength


12-24  Weeks Post Op


  • Continue to optimize gait
  • Continue to optimize ROM
  • Progressive closed chain strengthening as tolerated
  • Cycling, swimming
  • Elliptical can start at week 16 if appropriate strength

24 Weeks Post Op

  • Progress to return to sport